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Types of fuels used in vehicles

 The United States consumes more oil annually than it consumes, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. By exploring different alternative fuel options, consumers can reduce environmental pollution, reduce chemical emissions that are toxic to humans, reduce American dependence on other foreign oil and maintain current levels of Earth's natural and non-natural resources. renewable. The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that of the 50 states, Californians are the largest consumer of alternative fuel vehicles. To offset the rising costs of purchasing alternative fuel vehicles, the federal government and some state agencies have introduced incentives for consumers who obtain alternative fuel vehicles.

Types of fuels used in vehicles

1-biodiesel fuel:

Biodiesel, a type of fuel made from vegetable oil or animal fats, can power engines found in buses, boats, large trucks, and power equipment. Biodiesel is used exclusively or blended with other diesel fuels, and originates from crops such as soybeans and corn; In addition, fungi, bacteria and even algae are valuable sources of biodiesel production. The use of biodiesel is economical to the consumer and environmentally friendly. To improve and increase biodiesel production nationwide, the US government enacted the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.


Electric cars cost anywhere from $15,000 to $40,000, which is more than the purchase prices of conventional gasoline cars. To mitigate rising purchase costs, the federal government, in coordination with states, has enacted tax incentives and exemptions and lowered usage fees for those who buy electric cars or electric vehicles. Currently, you have the option of purchasing an EV that runs exclusively on electric power or a "hybrid" that uses both gasoline and electricity. Power stations supply electricity to homes and businesses for distribution to vehicles. EVs run on battery packs that convert electricity into energy. The main advantages of purchasing an electric vehicle include reduced spending on vehicle fuel and maintenance, increased engine efficiency, reduced roll-over accidents, and reduced toxic gas and noise emissions. EVs have drawbacks as well, including a higher purchase cost, shortened driving ranges due to battery recharging, less space for passengers and charging due to bulky batteries, and toxic battery disposal.

3-compressed natural gas (CNG):

In the United States, one of five buses uses compressed natural gas (CNG) as fuel, the US Environmental Protection Agency says. CNG comes from methane, which originates in gas wells. Vehicles powered by CNG are of two types: vehicles that use exclusively CNG and dual-fuel vehicles capable of using either gasoline or natural gas. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that using CNG will significantly reduce emissions of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. CNG is plentiful, burns cleaner than gasoline, contributes to engine efficiency and does not pose a significant health hazard if it is accidentally spilled. CNG has several drawbacks including the increased costs of purchasing a vehicle running on CNG and the need for more frequent stops to refuel those vehicles.


Of all the alternative fuels used in cars, hydrogen burns the cleanest. Hydrogen provides power to automobiles either through direct combustion in the engine or conversion to electricity within the fuel cell. The wealth of hydrogen on Earth makes this element an ideal candidate for fuel use; On the other hand, for hydrogen to become a fuel, it must be in a free form that can be used in car engines. The disadvantages of hydrogen fuel include the cost of its production, it also poses a huge danger to vehicle occupants and non-renewable petroleum is used in its production.


Ethanol is derived from plant sources and thus constitutes a renewable resource. Vehicles that run on ethanol are not very popular yet because of the high cost of changing a car's engine so that it can accept ethanol as a fuel and a higher higher cost of producing ethanol. Some states such as Iowa and Nebraska required their state-owned vehicles to use fuel containing 10 percent ethanol; However, the United States, unlike Canada and South America, has not yet adopted vehicles that run on 100 percent ethanol.


Methanol is the most toxic type of alcohol when burned as a fuel, because it is considered the simplest alcohol due to its simple structure. Made from a variety of sources, such as natural gas, wood, methanol, or wood alcohol, it is energy-efficient, economical, and less flammable than gasoline. The widespread use of methanol occurs in the racing car industry where methanol has replaced gasoline as a fuel.


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